History of the bibliography
The bibliographical entries are being updated and the website is being refreshed as of March 2023.
New tag timelines were created with Omeka's new timeline feature.
Bibliographical entries were updated and the website was migrated to the Omeka.net platform. Two new exhibitions were created. The Avataq Cultural Institute's magazine, Tumivut was added as a collection.
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Read about the details of this migration in Rankin, S. (2022), "A bibliography of Canadian Inuit periodicals: a case study in Omeka.net migration", Digital Library Perspectives, Vol. 38 No. 2, pp. 135-145. https://doi-org.proxy3.library.mcgill.ca/10.1108/DLP-06-2020-0054
In 2011, a printed bibliography was published with support from IPY project funding: A Bibliography of Canadian Inuit Periodicals. Quebec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. 2011.
The Caninuit website was updated in 2009/2010 with support from 'Entendre et communiquer les voix du Nunavik / Hearing and sharing the voices of Nunavik : Projet de mise en valeur du patrimoine écrit du Nunavik', International Polar Year Grant, Programme du Gouvernement du Canada.
The Caninuit database was hosted by Reference Press, an independent publisher of reference materials and software for use in school and public libraries.